October 2023
The StoneHaven Yacht Club Now Offers Affiliate Memberships
Affiliate memberships allow access to the dock for launching and retrieving kayaks and similar small craft.
Affiliate memberships are available to any Stonehaven residents who own an interior lot and do not have lake access. Owners of lakeside lots with poor or no lake access may be considered. They are not available to owners of Yacht Club boat slips.
An affiliate membership neither has voting rights in Yacht Club business nor is vested in any Yacht Club assets.
Initiation fee is $1,000. Annual dues currently are $125 per year, billed in January of each year or prorated from date of joining.
Affiliate members will not be subject to assessments levied on regular Yacht Club members for improvements, maintenance, or repairs.
One key will be issued per affiliate member. Replacement cost for a lost key is $250.
Affiliate memberships have access to electricity, lighting, and pump on the dock.
Affiliate memberships are not transferable.
Affiliate memberships are for launching and retrieval only. No storage of equipment or materials is allowed.
Affiliate members must follow all rules set forth for all Yacht Club members, except for specific rules set forth in this document.
Membership calls for courteous and responsible use of the facility.
Affiliate membership privileges are for the members and their immediate families.
Violations of any items or rules set forth in this document could result in suspension or result in the revocation of membership, at the discretion of the Yacht Club Board.
Contact Glenn McCants at 803-415-2468 For More Information.